Description of IMMS parameters

A large part of the behavior of IMMS is controlled with the help of parameters. These parameters can be set at several different levels:

The individual parameter may be expressed on several different levels. However, not all parameters can be used on all levels.

In effect, the parameter’s value from the lowest possible level will be used. If no value has been set there, IMMS automatically retrieves the value from a higher level. In other words, if the value has not been set in the item definition, it will be retrieved from the item grouping. If the value has likewise not been set up in the item grouping, it will be retrieved from the branch parameters, and if no value has been set at the branch level, the value from the system level will be used.

Parameter values for all levels can be edited via the web client.

The table below shows the various parameters used by the system and the levels they can be set on.

Parameters Can be set at level
System Branch Item grouping Definition
Maximum total login attempts Yes
Maximum login attempts Yes
Duration of temporary blocking of user name Yes
Maximum duration of login session Yes
Maximum inactive time on login session Yes
Password expire time Yes
Reuse of password limitation Yes
Only one session allowed per user name Yes
Minimum length of passwords Yes
Number of days to keep system logs Yes
Item grouping defaults
Default meter-min Yes Yes Yes
Default meter-max Yes Yes Yes
Default copies-min for fiction (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for fiction (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for non-fiction (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for non-fiction (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for music (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for music (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for “unknown” (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for “unknown” (child) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for fiction (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for fiction (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for non-fiction (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for non-fiction (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for music (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for music (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Default copies-min for “unknown” (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-min Shared for all copies-min
Default copies-max for “unknown” (adult) Yes Yes Shared for all copies-max Shared for all copies-max
Item widths
Default item width Yes
Default page width Yes
Default cover width Yes
Automatic error correction
Time limit for auto. action when item is sent to central sorting from a holds shelf Yes
Automatic action for an item sent to central sorting from a holds shelf Yes
Time limit for auto. action when an item is sent to central sorting from an item grouping Yes
Automatic action for an item sent to central sorting from an item grouping Yes
Time limit for auto. action when item is sent to central sorting Yes
Automatic action for an item sent to central sorting Yes
Time limit for auto. action when an item is placed on a not directly used location Yes Yes
Time limit for correction orders for items “placed” without matching item grouping Yes
Time limit for correction orders for fixed items placed at a media hotel Yes
Time limit for correction orders for items placed at a location used for item grouping Yes
Time limit for correction orders for items without hold placed on a holds shelf Yes
Time limit for correction orders for taken items placed on a non-holds shelf Yes
Time limit for correction orders for taken items “placed” Yes
Time limit for correction orders for inter-library items “placed” Yes
Time limit for correction orders for items in wrong exhibition Yes
Time limit for correction orders for items in item groupings in violation of the strategy consequence Yes
Language for error correction orders Yes
Automatic replenishment
Prefer own branch when filling exhibitions Yes
Prefer hotel when filling exhibitions Yes
Start date of automatic replenishment Yes
Target for the automatic replenishment Yes Yes Yes
Automatic replenishment always takes the newest item first Yes Yes
Assignment on items for replenishment orders Yes
Automatic rotation
Rotation order time limit in days Yes Yes
Maximum number of rotation orders per branch Yes Yes
Allow branch to be the destination of rotation orders Yes Yes
Mobile / picking
Number of days before item care orders are automatically deleted Yes
Number of days before manual list orders are automatically deleted Yes
Warning when making questionable item movements with the mobile Yes Yes
Warning of multiple copies when moving to a holds shelf Yes Yes
Allow move of a transport unit to a location Yes
Allow move of a transport unit to a transport unit Yes
Skip picking items in unavailable transport units Yes Yes
Skip picking items in closed item groupings Yes Yes
Skip picking items in closed exhibitions Yes Yes
Items for holds marked “Special handling” are kept separate Yes Yes
Allow date-limits for picking lists Yes Yes
Allow after-limits for picking lists Yes Yes
Allow “Exhibition” destination for picking lists Yes
Allow picking for closed branches Yes Yes
Prefer picking at the pickup branch Yes Yes
Priority for pick Yes Yes
Number of days before a new pick branch is chosen Yes Yes
Number of days before a new pick branch is chosen - at the pickup branch Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Monday Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Tuesday Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Wednesday Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Thursday Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Friday Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Saturday Yes Yes
Change lending branch after Sunday Yes Yes
Use cover pages Yes
Allow temporary protection of item from weeding Yes
Number of days before temporary item protection from weeding expires Yes
Destination of holds are always “Central sorting” when picking Yes Yes
Destination / sorting
Weight used for weighted draw Yes Yes
Central sorter branch Yes
Automatic routing Yes
Sorting branch is included in primary sorting Yes Yes
Direct assignments are locked Yes
Allow fixed items to be assigned to closed item groupings Yes Yes
Central sorter branch is only used for sorting Yes
Default assignment department for new exhibitions Yes
Number of days ahead replenishment of exhibitions starts Yes Yes
Number of days ahead replenishment of exhibitions ends Yes Yes
Use simple distribution Yes
Allow mixing "shelving" and "holds shelf" Yes Yes
Allow mixing "shelving" and "special handling" Yes Yes
Allow mixing "shelving" and "exhibition" Yes Yes
Allow mixing "holds shelf" and "special handling" Yes Yes
Allow mixing "holds shelf" and "exhibition" Yes Yes
Allow mixing "special handling" and "exhibition" Yes Yes
Number of days to look back to find titles staying at branches Yes
Distribute items to branches which have not had the title recently Yes
Branch configurations
Use delayed activation of branch configurations Yes Yes
Start time of the time-window for activation of branch configurations Yes
End time of the time-window for activation of branch configurations Yes
Strategy consequence for newly created strategies Yes
Default strategy for new titles Yes
Discard code used for ‘not found’ Yes
Discard code used when discarding from the mobile client Yes
Automatically create a new location when automatically creating a sorting point Yes Yes
Automatically create a new location when automatically creating a chute Yes Yes
Detachment status for automatically created chutes Yes Yes
Attachment status for automatically created chutes Yes Yes
Use long placement text for item-ready-for-pickup notifications Yes
Items at locations with usage type "<Not directly used>" are notified as available Yes Yes
Items at locations with usage type "Item grouping" are notified as available Yes Yes
Items at locations with usage type "Chaotic - Holds shelf" are notified as available Yes Yes
Items at locations with usage type "Chaotic - Exhibition" are notified as available Yes Yes
Items at locations with usage type "Chaotic - Storage" are notified as available Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Item grouping - non depot" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Item grouping - depot" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Available transport unit" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Unavailable transport unit" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Holds shelf" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Exhibition" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Storage" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Illegally placed" Yes Yes
Calculate placement info for items with placement type "Closed item grouping" Yes Yes
Long placement text for items in an item grouping includes the location path to the item grouping Yes
Send update to the LMS when an item becomes non-taken Yes
General branch-specific things
Fixed item never on media hotel Yes
Prefered media hotel for fixed items Yes
Branch is a media hotel Yes
Priority of media hotel Yes
Automatic life cycle management
Minimum share of the items with the same value in order to use the value in title statistics Yes
Number of days to look back for titles with classification group “Fiction” Yes
Number of days to look back for titles with classification group “Non-fiction” Yes
Number of days to look back for titles with classification group “Music” Yes
Number of days to look back for titles with classification group “Unknown” Yes
Minimum lendable items after weeding Yes
Change strategies Yes
Create weeding orders Yes
Discard code for weeding orders Yes
Reduce floating items before fixed items Yes
Number of copies on the branch to protect against weeding Yes Yes
Prioritize weeding of items with most time on loan Yes
Float configuration
Automatic update of float codes Yes