Front page › Parameters › Distribute items to branches which have not had the title recently | Search |
This parameter determines to which degree the distribution algorithm should prioritize to distribute floating items to branches, which have not had a copy of the title recently. This is done by excluding branches that have had the title recently, if there are possible branches that have not had a copy of the title recently.
The parameter specifies the fraction of assignments where this exclusion should be used. For each individual assignment, the parameter value is used as a probability, so seen over a larger amount of assignments it will be a fraction of the assignments.
If the parameter is set on “0”, the logic is never used.
If the parameter is set on “100”, the logic is always used.
If the parameter is set between “0” and “100” (%), the logic is used with this probability. A value of “50” would on average activate the logic in half the assignments.
The actual time limit for “recently” is determined by the parameter "Number of days to look back to find titles staying at branches".