P37 Assignment test

This page is used to test the assignment of a specific item for a selected return branch.
The function is especially useful in situations where you need to clarify how the intelligent distribution algorithm has arrived at its decision.

The function runs a simulation of the item assignment. The calculation is run irrespective of any existing assignment of the item, and the item is not registered as assigned. Thus, the function does not prevent “correct” assignments from being made.

MAIN PAGE (P37): Assignment test

Element Description
Picklist for the return branch Specifies the branch the item was returned/sorted
Item ID field The Item ID of a specific item is entered here
“Search” button Button for running the assignment test
Assigned branch field Specifies the branch the item has been assigned to
Department field Specifies the department of the branch the item has been assigned to
Results field Once the assignment test has been run, the result is displayed in this field. The result includes detailed information about the intelligent distribution algorithm’s “intermediate calculations”.