Item collections

Item collections are transmitted to IMMS from the LMS and are used in IMMS to manage classification of the various items in item groupings at the individual branches.

Since the LMS defines the item collections, it is not possible to edit/create them in IMMS. However, it is possible to indicate in IMMS whether or not an individual item collection is active in IMMS. If an item collection is inactive, it is hidden in IMMS (e.g. in lists of options in the web client). This is typically used for item collections that have been transmitted from the LMS but are not actually in use.

The items’ reservability and lendability are managed through the item collections. These indicators are important for automatic life cycle management.

Please note: It is important that item collections that include items that are not actually a part of the stock (replaced, missing, etc.) are marked as non-lendable. In the opposite case, the title statistics would be misleading and there would be a risk that the last actual copies would be discarded.