Report: Who did what

Shows which actions (“events”) users have performed in the system within a defined time period. There is an option to limit the search to actions performed by a specific user and/or one or more specified types of actions (e.g. “logon”).

There are many types of events in IMMS and a considerable amount of them only specify that somebody retrieved data from the system (without making any changes), which in most cases, will have limited relevance. The list of event types can be filtered down to only show the most relevant types of events using the field “Only show relevant event types”.

Each event has a text field briefly describing which data or parts of the system the event affected. For example, the text field for the event type “Item shelved at the branch” specifies a branch code and an Item ID. By filling out the “Text” field, only events whose text contains the specified string will be included in the report.

Note: The system regularly deletes old data about actions performed. It is therefore not possible to retrieve information older than the threshold defined by the parameter "Number of days to keep system logs".


