P08 General system parameters

The general system parameters cover the IMMS configuration parameters that apply to the system of the entire municipality. All configurable parameters can be seen in Description of IMMS parameters.

MAIN PAGE (P08): General system parameters

Element Description
Search field Only parameters matching the search criteria entered are displayed in the table
System parameters table The following information is shown in the table
  • Parameters
  • Value
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by. For detailed information on the parameters, refer to Description of IMMS parameters.

Please note: On the system level, the parameters shown are always preset; therefore, there is no column for Specified
User with editing permissions
“Edit” button Displays a dialog box, showing detailed parameter information on the selected system parameter, where the information can be edited (dialog box explanation)
User without editing permissions
“Show” button Displays a dialog box, showing detailed parameter information on the selected system parameter, but the information cannot be edited (dialog box explanation)

DIALOG BOX (P08.1): Edit system parameter

Element Description
Name field Name associated with the system parameter
Help icon Help for the selected system parameter is displayed in a new browser window.
Value field Value assigned to the individual system parameter. Depending on the nature of the system parameter, one of the following parameter types is used
  • String
  • Numeric
  • Boolean
  • Strategy
  • Strategy consequence
  • Branch
  • Date
The various types of system parameters are listed in the documentation for the IMMS parameters.
Checkbox If the checkbox to the right of the value field is checked, the user can assign a value. However, if it is not checked, then the default value is displayed in the value field, which cannot be edited. If editing of the applicable parameter is done on the highest possible level, this box has already been checked by the system and cannot be removed. On the system level, the parameters displayed are always preset and this box has therefore already been checked by the system and the check mark cannot be removed.