Automatic rotation in item groupings can arrange for items, that have been stale for a period of time, to be moved to branches that do not have any copies of that title. This will facilitate a continuous redistribution of items between the branches.
The function’s method of operation
The function runs once a day - at night. The function generates rotation orders for picking with the mobile unit.
Each run follows this procedure:
- If the branch is closed, no rotation orders are generated on the branch, and the function will continue to the next branch.
- All existing (non-processed) rotation orders are deleted, and the assignment status of the associated items is reset.
- For those item groupings, which have automatic rotation enabled, a list of items having been stale in the item grouping for at least the number of days specified by the branch parameter "Rotation order time limit in days" is created.
- For each item the list is expanded with the possible new branches, that the item can potentially be shelved on. The new branch must meet the criteria, that the branch must not have had a copy of the title on the shelves recently. This is controlled by the parameter "Number of days to look back to find titles staying at branches". The new branch must also not be closed or must allow picking for closed branches. Furthermore the new branch must be allowed as a destination of rotation orders.
- The list is randomized in such a way, that both the choice of item to move and the choice of the new branch is random.
- A number of items including the new branch is chosen from the list such that the number of items to move does not exceed the branch parameter "maximum number of rotation orders per branch".
- Rotation orders are generated for the chosen items, and the items are assigned to the new branch.
Which items can be selected for rotation orders?
A number of conditions must be met in order for an item to be a candidate for rotation:
- There must be no other orders on the item.
- The item must currently be placed in an item grouping that has automatic rotation enabled.
- The item must have been stale for at least the number of days specified by the branch parameter "Rotation order time limit in days".