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A float code identifies a float group and in the process defines a specific type of float for an item. Float codes are either transmitted to IMMS from the LMS or configured in IMMS. They are used to indicate different subsets of branches to which the various items must be distributed.
If the LMS defines the float codes, it is not possible to edit/create them in IMMS. If IMMS defines the float codes, it is possible to edit/create them in IMMS. It is always possible to deactivate them in IMMS. If a float code is inactive, it is hidden in IMMS (e.g. in lists of options in the web client). This is typically used for float codes that have been transmitted from the LMS but are not actually in use or old configurations in IMMS.
For each float code, the float configuration of IMMS allows you to indicate which department types the float code may be used with. This also allows you to indicate whether the float code can use department changes. Read more about this under float.