P18 Departments

The Departments from the LMS include a code and an associated name. This page allows you to see the code and name of a department, and to edit whether the department is active or inactive.

Depending on the setting of the system and the user credentials, it can be possible to edit the name and the code of the department.

Hint: When multiple departments need to be disabled at the same time, it is practical to include inactive departments in the overview by ticking the checkbox “Include inactive”. This ensures that the overview does not jump to the top of the page each time a department is disabled.

MAIN PAGE (P18): Departments from the LMS

Element Description
Search field Only departments matching the search criteria entered are displayed in the table
“Include inactive departments” checkbox Inactive departments can either be displayed or hidden
Table of departments The following information is shown in the table
  • Code
  • Name
  • Department type (if no department type has been set, <None selected> is displayed)
  • Included in IMMS (yes/no)
  • Active (yes/no)
Please note that the combination “Included in IMMS” (yes) and “Active” (no) is not valid.
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.
User with editing permissions
“Edit” button Displays a dialog box, showing detailed information about the selected department (dialog box explanation)
User without editing permissions
“Show” button Displays a dialog box, showing detailed information about the selected department, but the information cannot be edited (dialog box explanation)

DIALOG BOX (P18.1): Edit department

Element Description
Code field Unique code to identify the department
Name field Name to describe the selected department
Picklist of types A department type is selected here for the department if the current department type has been set on <None selected>. Either “Children” or “Adult” can be selected and a department type must be selected before the information can be saved.

ATTN! Once the department type has initially been set to either “Children” or “Adult”, it CANNOT be changed later!
“Included in IMMS” checkbox Indicates whether the department is included in IMMS
“Active” checkbox Indicates whether the department is active