This report provides an overview of the branches’ productivity during a specific period - typically a workday.
Please note: Depending on how IMMS is configured (depending on LMS support of the full API or not) multiple columns incl. "Number of items not found" and colums representing picks from IMMS mobile client can be all zeros in this report.
The report first summarizes the number of items affected by picking. Items picked for holds and replenishment, respectively, are counted separately. This corresponds to the figures that the “Picking overview” can supply.
In addition, the report provides figures for the number of holds that were ready for picking at the branches as well as how many of these holds actually were picked. This can provide a picture of how effective the individual branches were at processing their holds. The main idea is that you should at least be able to process those holds that were ready at the beginning of the period.
With respect to the number of items affected, the following should be noted:
- The report only looks at actions performed via IMMS using the mobile client. Holds picked by the LMS are not included.
- The number of items not found covers all order types (hold, replenishment, auto-discard, item care...). Please note in particular for holds that an individual hold listed as “not found” may cause multiple items to be registered as “not found”.
With respect to the number of holds, the following should be noted:
- Holds which “disappear” during the time period are not included. For example, this could be holds that have either been modified or deleted, transferred to another branch, or deducted by the LMS as well as holds with a status of “not ready” in IMMS due to missing items.
- It is important that the period selected corresponds to the period in which the items are expected to be picked, e.g., a workday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If several days are selected for the report, its output becomes more difficult to interpret.
- Holds for items in non-available transport units are not included if they are hidden on the mobile unit (controlled by the “Skip picking items in unavailable transport units” parameter).
- Holds for items in closed item groupings are not included if they are hidden on the mobile unit (controlled by the “Skip picking items in closed item groupings” parameter).
- Items that are excluded from IMMS are not included.
- Start time
- End time
- Those branches to be included in the report. If none are selected, then all branches with data, including non-active branches, are included.
- A row for each of the selected branches. If none are selected, all branches that either are active or have data for the period selected are included.
- Branch
- Number of items picked for holds
- Number of items picked for replenishment
- Number of items not found
- Number of holds ready to be picked at the beginning of the period that were still ready to be picked at the end of the period (A).
- Number of holds ready to be picked at the beginning of the period that were picked during the period (B).
- Number of holds that appeared or were ready to be picked in the course of the period that were still ready to be picked at the end of the period .
- Number of holds that appeared or were ready to be picked in the course of the period that were picked.
- % of holds that were ready at the beginning of the period and were picked (B /(A+B) * 100).