P03 Holds

On this page you can search for holds in IMMS. The search can be narrowed by using a number of search criteria such as, e.g., the lending branch, the Item ID, etc. For each hold, a select amount of information is shown in the overview.

If the search results contain over 5,000 rows, the results are not shown in the overview and more search criteria must be used.

MAIN PAGE (P03): Holds

Hold information:

Element Description
Hold ID field You can enter the Hold ID to search for here.
If the field is filled in, then holds that match the entered value exactly, including any leading 0’s, will be searched for.
Item ID field You can enter the Item ID to search for here.
If a value is filled in, the search is limited to non-taken requisitions, where the item with the Item ID entered is included as one of the potential items, plus taken requisitions for which the specified item has been taken.
The Item ID is matched with the exact value entered - including any leading zeros.
Please note: It is not possible to search for deleted holds based on this parameter.
Title ID field You can enter the title ID to search for here.
If a value is filled in, the search is limited to non-taken requisitions, where an item with the title ID entered is included as one of the potential items, plus taken requisitions for which the taken item has the entered title ID.
The title ID is matched with the exact value entered - including any leading zeros.
Please note: It is not possible to search for deleted holds based on this parameter.
Picklist for the pickup branch You can enter the pickup branch to search for here. If “*” is selected, the pickup branch for the hold is ignored.
Hold created date range Used to locate holds created within a specific date range. The dates are based on when a hold was created in the LMS.
Date range for last updated Used to locate holds last updated within a specific date range. Updates can, e.g., be a new lending branch from the LMS or items fulfilling a hold.
Taken for hold You can choose here whether the search should be limited to items fulfilling a hold (select “Yes”) or items not fulfilling a hold (select “No”). If “*” is selected, the “Hold” status is ignored.
Ready for picking You can choose here whether the search should be limited to holds that are ready to be picked (select “Yes”) or holds that are not ready to be picked (select “No”). If “*” is selected, the picking status for the hold is ignored.
The picklist is only enabled if “No” is selected for “Hold”.
Read more in Calculation of pick orders based on holds.
Pick branch You can enter the pick branch to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the pick branch for the hold is ignored
The picklist is only enabled if “No” is selected for “Hold”.
Fulfilled You can choose here whether the search should be limited to holds that have been fulfilled (select “Yes”) or holds that have not been fulfilled (select “No”). If “*” is selected, the “fulfilled” status for the hold is ignored.
The picklist is only enabled if “Yes” is selected for “Hold”.
Deleted You can choose here whether the search should be limited to holds that have been deleted (select “Yes”) or holds that have not been deleted (select “No”). If “*” is selected, the “deleted” status for the hold is ignored.
Please note: If “Yes” is selected (deleted holds only), it is not possible to select a “Hold” status - these fields will be disabled.
Active You can choose here whether the search should be limited to active holds (select “Yes”) or inactive holds (select “No”). If “*” is selected, the “active” status for the hold is ignored.
Please note: If “No” is selected (inactive holds only), it is not possible to select a “Hold” status - these fields will be disabled.


Element Description
Search button Displays a list of holds that meet the selected search criteria
Button for resetting search criteria Deletes all of the search criteria entered
Holds table The following information is shown in the table
  • Hold ID
  • Time created
  • Status, which can have the following values:
    • “Deleted” when the hold has been deleted.
    • “Taken - not fulfilled” when an item has been put on hold but the hold has not yet been fulfilled.
    • “Taken - fulfilled” when an item has been put on hold and the hold has been fulfilled.
    • “Inactive” when the hold is inactive.
    • “Not taken - ready to be picked” when the items have not yet been put on hold but have been selected and are ready to be picked.
    • “Not taken - not ready to be picked” when the items do not fulfill a hold and no available items can currently be picked to fulfill the hold.
  • Item fulfilling a hold - the Item ID is displayed
  • Pick branch
  • Pick placement
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.
Button for adjusting the column width Adjusts the width of each column in the table so it suits the current contents of the column.
“Details” button Opens the Hold details dialog box, showing detailed information about the selected hold.
The function is only available when a hold has been selected from the list.
“History” button Opens the Hold history dialog box, showing the history of the selected hold.
The function is only available when a hold has been selected from the list.
'Delete'-button Opens the dialog box to confirm deletion of selected hold.
The function requires the “Item administration” role and one or more holds must be selected.
Note: Deletion cannot be synchronized to the LMS, so this should only be used for error correction.

DIALOG BOX (P03.1): Hold details

The following information is shown in this dialog box. It is not possible to change any of the information.

Element Description
Hold details
  • Hold ID
  • Hold created (time)
  • Pickup branch (both branch code and branch name)
  • Hold type (both the code and name of the type)
  • Special handling (Yes/No)
  • Note
  • Status
  • Picking branch
  • Pick placement
  • Item fulfilling a hold / Selected item
    • Item fulfilling a hold: If an item fulfills a hold, the Item ID is shown for the item.
    • Selected item: If items are available to fulfill the hold (and they are not already fulfilling a hold), the Item ID of an item which IMMS has selected for the hold is displayed. If needed, refer to Calculation of pick orders based on holds.
Table of items that can be used for the hold For each item that can be used for the hold, the following information is displayed:
  • Item ID
  • Whether the item fulfills a hold (shows the Hold ID or “No”)
  • The item’s current branch
  • The item’s current placement
The table can be sorted by all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.

“Item details” button for an item fulfilling a hold / selected item Opens the Item details dialog box, showing detailed information about the item fulfilling a hold / selected item.
The button is only enabled if the item fulfills a hold or has been selected.
“Item history” button for an item fulfilling a hold / selected item Opens the Item history dialog box, showing the history of the item fulfilling a hold / selected item.
The button is only enabled if the item fulfills a hold or has been selected.
“Item details” button for the item list Opens the Item details dialog box, showing detailed information about the selected item.
The button is only enabled if an item has been selected from the list.
“Item history” button for the item list Opens the Item history dialog box, showing the history of the selected item.
The button is only enabled if an item has been selected from the list.
“Previous” button Opens the Hold details dialog box for the previous hold in the overview.
The button is only enabled if a hold is listed before the current hold in the overview.
“Next” button Opens the Hold details dialog box for the next hold in the overview.
The button is only enabled if a hold is listed after the current hold in the overview.

DIALOG BOX (P03.2): Hold history

The history of the selected hold is displayed here.

Element Description
History table The following information is shown in the table
  • Time
  • Event
  • State
  • Picking branch
  • Pickup branch
  • Amount (number of items in the hold)
  • Item fulfilling a hold
  • User
The table can only be chronologically sorted. You can toggle between displaying the most recent or the oldest event first by clicking on the column header for “Time”.

“Item details” button Opens the Item details dialog box, showing detailed information about the item fulfilling a hold.
The function is only available when the selected row from the list includes an item fulfilling a hold.
“Item history” button Opens the Hold history dialog box, showing the history of the item fulfilling a hold.
The function is only available when the selected row from the list includes an item fulfilling a hold.