P01 Items

On this page you can search for items entered in IMMS.

It is also possible to manage item relocations.

If the search results contain over 5,000 rows, the results are not shown in the overview and more search criteria must be used.

Tip: The search fields for author and title include a picklist with possible options. The list pulls up authors/titles from the database, beginning with the text entered.
Tip: The Item grouping search field in the Current placement block includes the option of searching in the Illegally placed system group, which makes it possible to find items not included in an item grouping. Like the others, this search is limited to a maximum of 5,000 results.
Tip: Use the double arrowbutton below the overview to automatically adjust all column widths to appropriately suit the displayed contents. However, if the overall width becomes too large for the screen, then a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the overview.

MAIN PAGE (P01): Items

Title information:

Element Description
Author field Enter a search string here for the item’s author.
A “?” can be used as a wildcard. A “?” is implicitly added to the end of the text entered.
There is no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters.
For example, if and is entered, it will match the authors Andersen, Andresen, and similar.
If the field is left empty, no author is searched for.
Title field Enter a search string here for the item’s author.
The same rules apply as for author searches.
Item ID field You can enter the Item ID to search for here.
A “?” can be used as a wildcard. If no wildcard is used and the field is filled in, then items that match the entered value exactly, including any leading 0’s, will be searched for.
Title ID field You can enter the title ID to search for here.
A “?” can be used as a wildcard. If no wildcard is used and the field is filled in, then items that match the entered value exactly, including any leading 0’s, will be searched for.
Picklist with item types You can select the item type to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s item type is ignored.
Classification range Used to search for items with a specific classification and is entered as a text range.
Alphabetization range Used to search for items with a specific alphabetization and is entered as a text range.
Picklist of strategies You can select the strategy to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s strategy is ignored.

Item properties:

Element Description
Picklist of float codes You can select the float code to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s float code is ignored.
Picklist of fixed branches You can enter the fixed branch to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s fixed branch is ignored.
Please note: If a fixed branch is selected, floating items are excluded from the search.
Picklist of departments You can select the department to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s department is ignored.
Picklist of locations You can select the location to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s location is ignored.
Picklist of sub-locations You can select the sub-location to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s sub-location is ignored.
Picklist of item collections You can select the item collection to search for here.
If “*” is selected, the item’s item collection is ignored.
Date range for acquisition dates Used to locate items within a specific range of acquisition dates. If an item is not linked to an acquisition date, it will be excluded from the results if an acquisition date range is specified during the search.
Date range for most recent loans Used to locate items that have been loaned (the checkout date) most recently within a specific time interval.
If only an end date is entered, items that have never been checked out will also be included (the logic behind this is “not checked out after this date”).
Time interval for last changed Used to locate items that have been changed most recently within a specific time interval.
The date for an item’s last change is shown in the item history.
In addition to item movements, a change can also be an update of the item grouping in connection with activation of a branch configuration, or an update of item properties. In these cases the item is changed, but it has not moved.
Time interval for last moved Used to locate items that have moved most recently within a specific time interval.
An item can move by changing branch, location, transport unit or LMS status.

Other (parameters):

Element Description
Picklist to select whether or not the item needs to be included in IMMS. You can choose here whether the search should be limited to items included in IMMS (select “Yes”) or items excluded from IMMS (select “No”). If “*” is selected, all items are included.
Picklist for LMS status You can enter the LMS status to search for here.
Please note: It is only possible to make other selections in the “Current placement” group if you select “Shelved”.
Tip: Use the lowermost search criterion “Home / On loan” to include both statuses and thus all items that are actually in stock.

Current placement:

Element Description
Picklist of branches You can enter the branch to search for here.
If a branch is selected, items are searched for that are located at the branch. You can also enter a more specific placement in an item grouping or at a location in the fields below.
Picklist of item groupings You can select one of the branch’s item groupings to search for here.
You must select a branch before an item grouping can be selected.
It’s not possible to select both an item grouping and a location.
Location field + button You can select one of the branch’s locations to search for here.
When a branch from the picklist of branches is selected, the “Select” button will show a tree structure of branch locations with the dialog box “Select a location”. After the location has been selected, the selected location is shown in the field.
It’s not possible to select both an item grouping and a location.
Include sub-locations If this is selected, all sub-locations of the selected location are included.
Include items in transport units If this is selected, all items in transport units linked to the selected locations are included.


Element Description
Search button Starts the search.
Items are searched for that match the search criteria selected.
If more items are found than the system can handle at one time, an error message is displayed and you will need to narrow the search.
Button for resetting search criteria Deletes all of the search criteria entered
Button for generating a report Starts a search and generates a report containing the results.
This corresponds to the “Item search” report and therefore requires the “System reports” role.
Table of items The following information is shown in the table
  • Item ID
  • Classification
  • Author
  • Title
  • Float locked (depending on LMS integration)
  • Branch
  • Placement
  • Taken for hold (shows the Hold ID if the item is connected to a hold)
  • Item width
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns aside from “classification”. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.
The table allows you to select multiple rows at the same time. Hold down the Ctrl button to select multiple rows. Hold down the Shift button to select a range of rows. This is described in detail in Introduction to the IMMS web client.
Total item width field Shows the total width of the items searched for.
Button for adjusting the column width Adjusts the width of each column in the table so it suits the current contents of the column.
User with editing permissions
“Details” button Opens the Item details dialog box, providing detailed information on the selected item.
The function is only available when exactly one item has been selected from the list.
“History” button Opens the Item history dialog box, showing the history of the selected item.
The function is only available when exactly one item has been selected from the list.
“Move” button Opens the Move items dialog box for relocating the selected items.
The function is only available when at least one item has been selected from the list.
“Create orders” button Opens the Create orders dialog box for creating manual orders for the selected items.
The function is only available when at least one item has been selected from the list.
“Exhibition group” button Opens the Add to exhibition group dialog box for adding the selected items to an exhibition group.
The function is only available when at least one item has been selected from the list.
“Set float” button Opens the Set floating properties dialog box for configuring the float properties for the selected items.
The function is only available when at least one item has been selected from the list.
“Delete” button Opens the Delete items dialog box for deleting the selected items.
The function requires the “Item administration” role and one or more items must be selected.
Note: Deletion cannot be synchronized to the LMS, so this should only be used for error correction.
“Select all” button Selects all items in the overview
“Deselect all” button Clears the selection of all items in the overview
User without editing permissions
“Details” button Opens the Item details dialog box, providing detailed information on the selected item.
The function is only available when exactly one item has been selected from the list.
“History” button Opens the Item history dialog box, showing the history of the selected item.
The function is only available when exactly one item has been selected from the list.
“Select all” button Selects all items in the overview
“Deselect all” button Clears the selection of all items in the overview

DIALOG BOX (P01.1): Item details

The following information is shown in this dialog box. It is not possible to change any of the information.

Element Description
Item details
  • Item ID
  • Author
  • Title
  • Title ID
  • Classification
  • Alphabetization
  • Current branch
  • Placement, which is one of the following:
    • Name of the location if the item is at a location.
    • Name of the location and the transport unit if the item is in a transport unit.
    • Name of the item grouping or “Illegally placed” if the item has been shelved.
    • “On loan” / “Discarded” / “Deleted” if the item has one of these LMS statuses
  • IMMS status (the transport unit’s status if the item is in a transport unit, otherwise empty)
  • Taken for hold. Shows the Hold ID if the item currently fulfills a hold
  • Assigned to a branch. Shows where the item has been assigned to. By holding the mouse pointer over the field, the type of assignment can be shown.
  • Float locked (Locked / Unlocked)
  • Fixed branch / Float code (If the item has a float code, this is displayed; otherwise, the fixed branch is displayed)
  • Department
  • Location
  • Sub-location
  • Item collection
  • Acquisition date
  • Item type
  • Periodical information (year, volume, number)
  • LMS status (Home, On loan, Discarded, Deleted, Home / On loan). If the item has been discarded, then the discard code and reason are also displayed.
  • Page count
  • Effective item width
    - This value is calculated by IMMS or specifically indicated for the title. Read more in 'Calculating an item’s width'
If classification display is available for the title and this is not equal to the classification, the classification display will be shown in parentheses after the classification.
“Assignment test”-button Opens the Assignment test dialog box, to perform an assignment test on the item.
“Transport unit” button Opens the Contents of the transport unit dialog box, providing details about the contents of the transport unit linked to the item.
The button is only enabled if the item is linked to a transport unit.
“Title details” button Opens the Title details dialog box, providing details about the title of the item.
“Title history” button Opens the Title history dialog box, showing the history of the title of the item.
“Hold details” button Opens the Hold details dialog box, providing the details of the hold the item fulfills.
The button is only enabled if the item fulfills a hold.
“Hold history” button Opens the Hold history dialog box, showing the history of the hold the item fulfills.
The button is only enabled if the item fulfills a hold.
“Previous” button Opens the Item details dialog box for the previous item in the overview.
The button is only enabled if there is an item listed before the current item in the overview.
“Next” button Opens the Item details dialog box for the next item in the overview.
The button is only enabled if there is an item listed after the current item in the overview.

DIALOG BOX (P01.2): Item history

The history of the selected item is displayed here.

Element Description
History table The following information is shown in the table
  • Time
  • Event (some events are implicit events*)
  • (New) item ID
  • (New) branch
  • (New) placement
  • Hold ID (if the item fulfills a hold)
  • User responsible for the event
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.

* Implicit events: Not all events shown in the history have been directly registrered on the item. The events may also have been done on a branch configuration or a transport unit but they are also displayed in the history since they affect the item. Example: An item is registrered into a transport unit currently attached to a chute and then another transport unit is attached to that chute. The other transport unit’s event “Transport unit linked to chute” will be displayed in the item history since this event implicitly affects the item by detaching the transport with the item.
“Hold details” button Opens the Hold details dialog box, showing details of the hold the item fulfills beside the selected history row.
The button is only enabled if the history row appears for a hold.
“Hold history” button Opens the Hold history dialog box, showing the history of the hold the item fulfills beside the selected history row.
The button is only enabled if the history row appears for a hold.
“Previous” button Opens the Item history dialog box for the previous item in the overview.
The button is only enabled if there is an item listed before the current item in the overview.
“Next” button Opens the Item history dialog box for the next item in the overview.
The button is only enabled if there is an item listed after the current item in the overview.

DIALOG BOX (P01.3): Move items

The selected items can be moved here.
Both a branch and a specific placement at the branch must be selected.

Element Description
Item quantity field Shows the number of items that will be moved
Item ID field Shows the Item ID of the item that will be moved. If more than one item is moved, no Item ID will be shown.
Picklist of branches The branch the selected items need to be moved to is selected here
Field for location + radio button + “Select” button When this radio button is selected, the selected items will be moved to a specific location at the selected branch.
A branch must first be selected from the picklist of branches. When the “Select” button is pressed, the “Select a location” dialog box is opened, which allows you to select one of the branch’s locations. After the location has been selected, the selected location is shown in the field.
“Shelved” radio button When this radio button is selected, the selected items are registered as “shelved” at the selected branch.
Each item will be placed in its matching item grouping at the branch - or be assigned the placement “Illegally placed” if the item does not match an item grouping at the branch.
“Sent to central sorting” radio button When this radio button is selected, the selected items will be registered as “sent to central sorting” from the selected branch.
The special placement of “sent to central sorting” plays a significant role in relation to Automatic error correction. The branch should indicate the branch from which the item was sent to central sorting as opposed to the branch where the central sorting will be done.
“Missing” radio button When this radio button is selected, the selected items will be registered as “not found”.
Please note: Immediately after the items are moved, the search results for P01 will be temporarily updated with the items’ new placement. Only after processing has been completed on the server, subsequent search results will reflect the items’ new placement.

DIALOG BOX (P01.6): Create orders

You can create manual orders for one or more selected items here.
For list orders, a list name must be entered.
For move orders, a receiving branch must be selected and you must indicate whether an assignment is to be created for the item.
For discard orders, you must select a discard code.

Element Description
Item quantity field Shows the number of items an order will be created for.
Order type Indicates whether the following should be created:
  • list orders
  • move orders
  • discard orders
List name Name of the list (list orders only).
Picklist of branches The branch the selected items need to be sent to is selected here (move orders only). The list does not contain closed branches that does not allow picking for closed brances.
Assignment This indicates whether or not the item needs to be assigned to the aforementioned branch (move orders only).
Picklist of discard codes The discard code used for the selected items is selected here (discard orders only)
Note It is possible to add a note to the created order.
This note can be seen on the mobile client’s pick list.
Please note: If you have checked that the item(s) need to be assigned, then the items must be able to be legally shelved at the receiving branch - in other words, there must be a match with one of the branch’s item groupings. If one or more items cannot be shelved at the receiving branch, an error message is displayed and the move order for the applicable items is not created. Move orders will not be created for items on closed branches, nor on items that are discarded or deleted. An error message will also be displayed for these items.

DIALOG BOX (P01.4): Select location

This dialog box allows you to select the location of the branch the items are to be moved to.

Element Description
Search field The location tree is “pruned” so that it only contains elements that match the entered search string
Tree structure of locations The locations at a branch are arranged in a hierarchy and are shown in a tree structure. The location to be included in the search criteria is highlighted in the tree. An example of a hierarchy is provided in the following example:
  • ▶ Zone "Ground floor"
  •  ▷ Bookshelf 4
  •   ▶ Subject 3
  •    ▷ Shelf 1
  •    ▷ Shelf 2
  •    ▷ ...
  •   ▶ ...
  •  ▷ Bookshelf 11
  •  ▷ ...
  • ▶ ...
An icon is displayed next to each node of the hierarchy to identify the type of location:
  •  <Not directly used>
  •  Item grouping
  •  Chaotic - Holds shelf
  •  Chaotic - Exhibition
  •  Chaotic - Storage
Icons with an “X” (, , , , ) indicate that the location cannot be used.
Only locations with the usage type “Chaotic -...” may be selected.

DIALOG BOX (P01.5): Delete items

The selected items can be deleted here. The function requires the “Item administration” role and one or more items must be selected.

Item quantity field Shows the number of items that will be deleted
Item ID field Shows the Item ID of the item that will be deleted. If more than one item is deleted, no Item ID will be shown.
Please note: Immediately after the items are deleted, they will be deleted from the list. Once the deletion has been carried out on the server, subsequent search results will no longer show the items.
Please note: No notification is sent to the LMS since this option is not available in the LMS interface. Therefore, this function should only be used if a discrepancy is detected - the LMS has deleted an item without sending notification to IMMS.

DIALOG BOX (P01.7): Add items to an exhibition group

You can add the selected items to an exhibition group here. The function requires the “Exhibition administration” role and one or more items must be selected. Please note, only a subset of selected items that are both included in IMMS and are lendable are added to the exhibition group.

Item quantity field Shows the number of items to add to an exhibition group.
Picklist of exhibition groups The exhibition group the items are to be added to.
“Show” button Displays the “Enter details about the exhibition group” dialog box, showing detailed information on the selected exhibition group.

DIALOG BOX (P01.8): Set floating properties

You can set the floating properties for one or more items here. The function requires that IMMS (and not LMS) controls the float codes. It is possible to lock the float code to a specific float code or specify that the items are not floating. Leaving the float code unlocked will give the possibility to let the float code assignment rules select the float code automatically (requires that the parameter "Automatic update of float codes" is set to true).

“Float code locked” checkbox Indicates if the float code should be locked or unlocked.
Picklist of float codes If the float code is locked, it can be assigned to the specific float code selected here.
“Item is not floating” checkbox Indicates that the item is not floating.
Please note: The dialog does not reflect the current floating setting of the selected items, even if only one item is selected.