ActivateBranchConfiguration |
Activates the branch configuration. Required privilege: "security.set_branch_configuration".
AttachRfidToChute |
Attaches rfid to chute. Required privilege: "registration.send_registrations_from_mobile".
AttachRfidToLocation |
Attaches rfid to a location. Required privilege: "registration.send_registrations_from_mobile".
AttachRfidToTransportUnit |
Attaches rfid to a transport unit. Required privilege: "registration.send_registrations_from_mobile".
CalculateExhibitionGroupingSpecMatch |
Get a list of items that match a particular exhibition grouping spec.
CheckForOverlappingMaterialGroupingSpecification |
Call this method to check if there are other material groupings within this particular branch configuration that have overlapping material specifications.
CopyBranchConfiguration |
Makes a copy of the branch configuration. Use this function to obtain new branch configurations. A branch configuration key referencing the new copy is returned. Required privilege: "security.set_branch_configuration".
CopyLocationSegment |
Makes a copy of the segment of the location hierarchy that has the input location as parent node. Rfids are not copied. The parent of the copied subtree is the same as that of the original. The location key of the parent of the copied subtree is returned, and the name of this is auto generated. Required privilege: "security.set_location".
deleteAllExhibitionGroupingBibliographicRecords |
DeleteAllExhibitionGroupingItems |
DeleteBibrecLifecycleRule |
Deletes a life cycle rule.
DeleteBranchConfiguration |
Deletes a branch configuration. Only draft branch configurations can be deleted. Required privilege: "security.set_branch_configuration".
DeleteCategory |
Deletes a category. Required privilege: "security.set_category".
DeleteChute |
Deletes a chute. Required privilege: "security.set_sorting_point".
DeleteExhibition |
Deletes an exhibition.
DeleteExhibitionGrouping |
Deletes an exhibition grouping.
deleteExhibitionGroupingBibliographicRecords |
DeleteExhibitionGroupingItems |
DeleteFineSorting |
Delete a fine sorting. Only fine sortings belonging to a draft branch configuration can be deleted. Required privilege: "security.set_branch_configuration".
DeleteFloatCode |
DeleteFloatCodeAutoUpdateConfiguration |
DeleteLocation |
Deletes a location. Required privilege: "security.set_location".
DeleteMaterialGrouping |
Deletes a material grouping and the associated material grouping specifications. Required privilege: "security.set_material_grouping".
DeleteMaterialWidthWithoutPageCount |
Deletes a material width specification for items without a page count. Required privilege: "security.set_width".
DeleteMaterialWidthWithPageCount |
Deletes a material width specification for items with a page count. Required privilege: "security.set_width".
DeleteOperator |
Attempts to delete the specified operator. If the operator is referenced by some data, the deletion fails. It is not allowed to delete oneself. Required privilege: "security.set_operator".
DeleteOperatorRole |
Revokes the specified role from the specified operator. It is not allowed to remove one's own roles. Required privilege: "security.set_operator".
DeleteRoute |
Deletes a route. Required privilege: "security.set_route".
DeleteSortingPoint |
Deletes a sorting point. Required privilege: "security.set_sorting_point".
DeleteStatus |
Deletes a status element. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
GetBibRecCount |
GetBibrecLifecycleRules |
Retrieves all life cycle rules.
GetBranchConfigurations |
Retrieves a list of branch configurations.
GetBranches |
Retrieves the available branches. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetBranchesAllowPickingTo |
Retrieves branches that allow picking to, i.e. are open or allow picking to closed branches. Disabled branches are filtered.
GetBranchParameters |
Retrieves a list of system parameters applying to a specific branch. Parameters requiring a privilege will only be returned if the user has the corresponding privilege.
GetBranchParameterValues |
Retrives the effective values of all system parameters for a specific branch.
GetCategories |
Gets a list of categories.
GetCategoryDistributionRules |
Gets a list of category distribution rules.
GetClassificationGroups |
Retrieves a list of classification groups.
GetCollections |
Retrieves the available collections. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetCurrentFineSortings |
Retrieves a list of the fine sortings of the active branch configuration.
GetCurrentTimestamp |
Returns the current date and time. No credentials or token is necessary. Can be used for for synchronizing other devices' clocks with the server or for testing availability.
GetDepartments |
Retrieves the available departments. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetDepartmentTypes |
Retrieves the available department types.
GetDestinationTypes |
Retrieves a list of destination types.
GetDiscardReasons |
Retrieves the available discard reasons.
GetExhibitionDetails |
Gets the details of an exhibition.
getExhibitionGroupingBibliographicRecords |
GetExhibitionGroupingDetails |
Gets the details of an exhibition grouping.
GetExhibitionGroupingItems |
GetExhibitionGroupings |
Gets a list of exhibition groupings.
GetExhibitions |
Gets a list of exhibitions.
GetExternalDestinationsForBranch |
Retrieves a list of the current destinations of the specified branch.
GetFineSortings |
Retrieves a list of the fine sortings of a particular branch configuration.
GetFloatCodeAutoUpdateConfiguration |
GetFloatCodeConfig |
Retrieves a list of the float codes for the branch configuration.
GetFloatCodes |
Retrieves the available float codes. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetGlobalParameters |
Retrives a list of global system parameters. Parameters requiring a privilege will only be returned if the user has the corresponding privilege.
GetGlobalParameterValues |
Retrives the effective values of all global system parameters.
GetIlsLocations |
Retrieves the available ILS-locations. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetIlsStatuses |
Retrieves the available ILS statuses.
GetIlsSublocations |
Retrieves the available ILS-sublocations. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetLanguages |
Retrieves the available languages.
GetListsForExhibitionGroupingImport |
Retrieves the lists which can be imported into exhibition groupings
GetLocations |
Get a list of locations for a particular branch. If a location belongs to a material grouping the name and key of the material grouping will be included. If the branch configuration key in the input is null, the material groupings will be those of the active branch configuration.
GetLocationSubTree |
Get a list of the locations in the subtree defined by the input location for a particular branch. If a location belongs to a material grouping the name and key of the material grouping will be included. If the branch configuration key in the input is null, the material groupings will be those of the active branch configuration.
GetLocationUsageTypes |
Get a list of location usage types for a particular branch.
GetMaterialGroupingDetails |
Retreives a list of the associated material grouping specifications along with the particular material grouping.
GetMaterialGroupings |
Retrives a list of the material groupings of a branch configuration.
GetMaterialTypes |
Retrieves the available material types. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetMaterialWidthWithoutPageCount |
Retrieves a list of all material width specifications for items without a page count.
GetMaterialWidthWithPageCount |
Retrieves a list of all material width specifications for items with a page count.
GetNewBibrecLifecycleRuleKey |
Returns a new key to be used for creating a new life cycle rule.
GetNewCategoryKey |
Gets a new category key for creating a new category.
GetNewChuteKey |
Gets a new chute key for creating a new chute.
GetNewExhibitionGroupingKey |
Gets a new key to use when creating an exhibition grouping.
GetNewExhibitionKey |
Gets a new key to use when creating an exhibition.
GetNewFineSortingKey |
Gets a new fine sorting key. Use the fine sorting key to create a new fine sorting with the function SetFineSorting.
GetNewFloatCodeAutoUpdateConfigurationKey |
GetNewFloatCodeKey |
GetNewLocationKey |
Get a new location key for creating new locations.
GetNewMaterialGroupingKey |
Retrieves a key for creating a material grouping. Use the function SetMaterialGrouping to create a new material grouping.
GetNewMaterialWidthKey |
Get a new material width key.
GetNewOperatorKey |
Retrieves a new operator key, which can be used to create a new operator using the SetOperator operation. Required privilege: "security.set_operator".
GetNewSortingPointKey |
Gets a new sorting point key for creating a new soritng point.
GetNewStatusKey |
Gets a new status key in order to create a new status element.
GetOperator |
Retrieves a single operator and its roles. Only roles held by the calling user will be returned. Required privilege: "security.get_operators".
GetOperators |
Retrieves a list of operators and their roles. Only roles held by the calling user are returned. Required privilege: "security.get_operators".
GetPickPlacements |
Retrieves the pick placement hierarchy for the specified branch and branch configuration structured as a tree.
GetPlacementTypes |
Retrieves a list of placement types with priorities.
GetPublicGlobalParameters |
Retrieves a list of the public global parameters.
GetRoles |
Retrieves the available roles. For each role it is specified whether it is branch-oriented. Only roles currently granted to the authorizing operator are returned.
GetRoutes |
Retrieves a list of routes for the specified branch.
GetSortingPoints |
Retrieves the available sorting points and attached chutes for a branch. It is possible to exclude those that are either not active or deleted in ILS from the response.
GetStatus |
Retreives a list of status.
GetTimeZones |
Retrieves the available time zones.
importExhibitionGroupingBibliographicRecords |
ImportExhibitionGroupingItems |
SetBibrecLifecycleRule |
Creates or updates a life cycle rule.
SetBranch |
Sets the branch. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetBranchConfiguration |
Edit the name and description of a branch configuration. It is not possible to create new branch configurations. Instead you can copy an existing branch configuration using the function CopyBranchConfiguration. Required privilege: "security.set_branch_configuration".
SetBranchParameter |
Sets a branch specific system parameter. Required privilege depends on the parameter.
SetCategory |
Edit a category. If the supplied category key does not exist a new category will be created. Otherwise the corrsponding category will be updated accordingly. Use GetNewCategoryKey to obtain a new category key. The category key identifies the category. Required privilege: "security.set_category".
SetCategoryForBibliographicRecords |
Set the category of a list of bibliographic records.
SetChute |
Creates or updates a chute. If a chute with the given chute key does not exist for the particular branch a new chute will be created. Otherwise the values will be updated. Use the method GetNewChuteKey to get a new chute key. The chute key and branch key identifies the chute. Required privilege: "security.set_sorting_point".
SetCollection |
Sets the collection. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetDepartment |
Sets the department. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetDiscardReason |
Sets the discard reason. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetExhibition |
Use this function to edit/create an exhibition. If you are creating a new exhibition you must use GetNewExhibitionKey to get a new key.
SetExhibitionGrouping |
Use this function to edit/create an exhibition grouping. If you are creating a new exhibition grouping you must use GetNewExhibitionGroupingKey to get a new key.
setExhibitionGroupingBibliographicRecords |
setExhibitionGroupingBibliographicRecordsByItemId |
Adds bibliographic records to an exhibition group based on a set of ItemIds
SetExhibitionGroupingItems |
SetFineSorting |
Edit a fine sorting. If the supplied fine sorting key does not exist a new fine sorting will be created. Use the function GetNewFineSortingKey to obtain a new fine sorting key. Required privilege: "security.set_branch_configuration".
SetFloatCode |
Sets the float code. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetFloatCodeAutoUpdateConfiguration |
SetFloatCodeConfig |
Include or exclude a float code from the branch configuration and set the associated department. Required privilege: "security.set_float_code_config".
SetGlobalParameter |
Sets a global system parameter. Required privilege depends on the parameter.
SetIlsLocation |
Sets the ils location. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetIlsSubLocation |
Sets the ils sub location. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetLocation |
Edit a location. If the supplied location key is not already in use for the particular branch a new location will be created. Use GetNewLocationKey to acquire a new location key. The branch key and location key identifies the location. Required privilege: "security.set_location".
SetMaterialGrouping |
Create or edit a material grouping and the associated material grouping specifications. If the given material grouping key is unknown a new material grouping will be created. Use the function GetNewMaterialGroupingKey to obtain a new material grouping key. Required privilege: "security.set_material_grouping".
SetMaterialType |
Sets the material type. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetMaterialWidthWithoutPageCount |
Creates or edits a material width specification for items without a page count. If no material width specification with the given key exist a new one will be created. Use GetNewMaterialWidthKey to obtain a new key. Required privilege: "security.set_width".
SetMaterialWidthWithPageCount |
Creates or edits a material width specification for items with a page count. If no material width specification with the given key exist a new one will be created. Use GetNewMaterialWidthKey to obtain a new key. Required privilege: "security.set_width".
SetOperator |
Creates or updates an operator. If the OperatorKey identifies an existing operator, that operator is updated. If the OperatorKey doesn't identify an existing operator, a new operator is created. New OperatorKeys should be retrived using the GetNewOperatorKey operation. SetOperator does not change the roles of an existing operator. Use Set/Delete- operatorRole to add/remove roles. Required privilege: "security.set_operator".
SetOperatorRole |
Grants the specified role to the specified operator. The role can optionally be granted branch-specifically. Only roles currently granted to the authorizing operator can be granted to other operators. Required privilege: "security.set_operator".
SetPickPlacementPosition |
Switches the position of two nodes in the pick placement hierarchy. The position of the given pick placement will be set according to the supplied sorting value, and the pick placement that previously had that position will be given the previous position of the supplied pick placement. Required privilege: "security.set_pick_placement".
SetPlacementTypePriority |
Switches the priority of two placement types. The priority of the given placement type will be set to the supplied priority value, and the placement type that previously had that priority value will be given the previous priority value of the supplied placement type. Required privilege: "security.set_placement_type".
SetRoute |
Edit the cost of a particular route. If the route does not exist it will be created. Required privilege: "security.set_route".
SetSortingPoint |
Creates or updates a sorting point. If a sorting point with the given sortingpoint key does not exist for the particular branch a new sortingpoint will be created. Otherwise the values will be updated. Use the method GetNewSortingPointKey to get a new sorting point key. The sorting point key and branch key identifies the sorting point. Required privilege: "security.set_sorting_point".
SetStatus |
Edits a status element. If the status key is unknown a new status will be created. Use the function GetNewStatusKey to obtain a new status key. Required privilege: "security.set_basedata".
SetWidthForBibliographicRecords |
Set the width of an arbitrary number of bibliographic records.
StartBibrecLifecycleMatchCalculation |
Starts calculation of matches between the bibrec statistics and the life cycle rules.
StartExhibitionGroupingMatchCalculation |