CheckDiscardItem |
Checks whether it is allowed to discard a given item.
CheckMoveItemsAtLocationToCentralSorting |
Performs sanity-check for registering the items at a location sent to central sorting.
CheckMoveItemsAtLocationToLocation |
Performs sanity-check for moving the contents of a location to another location.
CheckMoveItemsAtLocationToPlaced |
Performs sanity-check for registering the items at a location placed on a branch.
CheckMoveItemsAtLocationToPlacedInExhibition |
Performs sanity-check for moving the items at a location to the branch's exhibitions.
CheckMoveItemsAtLocationToTransportUnit |
Performs sanity-check for moving the contents of a location to a transport unit.
CheckMoveItemsInTransportUnitToCentralSorting |
Performs sanity-check for registering the items in a transport unit sent to central sorting.
CheckMoveItemsInTransportUnitToLocation |
Performs sanity-check for moving the contents of a transport unit to a location.
CheckMoveItemsInTransportUnitToPlaced |
Performs sanity-check for registering the items in a transport unit placed on a branch.
CheckMoveItemsInTransportUnitToPlacedInExhibition |
Performs sanity-check for moving the items in a transport unit to the branch's exhibitions.
CheckMoveItemsInTransportUnitToTransportUnit |
Performs sanity-check for moving the contents of a transport unit to another transport unit.
CheckMoveItemToCentralSorting |
Performs sanity-check for registering an item sent to central sorting.
CheckMoveItemToLocation |
Performs sanity-check for moving an item to a location.
CheckMoveItemToPlaced |
Performs sanity-check for registering an item placed on a branch.
CheckMoveItemToPlacedInExhibition |
Performs sanity-check for moving an item to the branch's exhibitions.
CheckMoveItemToTransportUnit |
Performs sanity-check for moving an item to a transport unit.
CheckMoveTransportUnitToLocation |
Performs sanity-check for moving a transport unit to a location.
CheckMoveTransportUnitToTransportUnit |
Performs sanity-check for moving one transport unit to another transport unit.
DoFineSortingOnItem |
Performs fine sorting on an item. The item will be registered into one of the supplied transport units according to the fine sorting configuration of the branch. If there are nested transport units within the particular transport unit a NestedTransportUnitException will be thrown. If an item in the transport unit belongs to a fine sorting that was not in the input list a TransportUnitAttachmentIncompleteException will be thrown. If it is not allowed to perfom fine sorting on the transport unit a RecptionInvalidException will be thrown. Required privilege: "registration.send_registrations_from_mobile".
DoFineSortingOnTransportUnit |
Performs fine sorting on a transport unit. The items in the transport unit will be registered into the supplied transport units according to the fine sorting configuration of the branch. If there are nested transport units within the particular transport unit a NestedTransportUnitException will be thrown. If an item in the transport unit belongs to a fine sorting that was not in the input list a TransportUnitAttachmentIncompleteException will be thrown. If it is not allowed to perfom fine sorting on the transport unit a RecptionInvalidException will be thrown. Required privilege: "registration.send_registrations_from_mobile".
FindBibliographicRecords |
Query the database for bibliographic records.
FindItems |
Query the database for items.
FindRequisitions |
Finds requisitions based on specified criteria.
FindTransportUnits |
Query the database for transport units.
GetAssignedDestinationForItem |
Gets the destination of the item in terms of fine sortings at the specified branch. If the item is destined for another branch a WrongBranchException will be thrown.
GetAssignedDestinationForTransportUnit |
Gets the destination of the items in a transport unit in terms of fine sortings at the specified branch. If the items in the transport unit have several different destinations a MixedContentException will be thrown. If the items in the transport unit are destined for another branch a WrongBranchException will be thrown.
GetAuthors |
Gets a list of authors that begin with the specified author sting (case insensitive).
GetBibliographicRecordDetails |
Retrive the details of a particular bibliographic record.
GetBibliographicRecordHistory |
Retrieves the history for the specified bibliographic record.
GetBibrecLifecycleSimulation |
Retrieves a simulation of the lifecycle calculations for the specified bibliographic record.
GetChutesWithoutRfid |
Retrieves a list of chutes without a rfid tag for the specified branch.
GetDestinationForItemWithDebug |
For testing the destination algorithm
GetFineSortingDetailsForItem |
Calculates how the item should be fine sorted on the specified branch.
GetFineSortingDetailsForTransportUnit |
Calculates how the items in the transport unit should be fine sorted on the specified branch.
GetHistoryOfItem |
Retrieves a list of history elements that contain information about recent locations and status of the item.
GetHistoryOfTransportUnit |
Retrieves a list of history elements that contain information about recent locations and status of the transport unit.
GetInfoAboutChute |
Retrieves a list of name/value- pairs holding relevant information about the chute.
GetInfoAboutItem |
Retrieves a list of name/value- pairs with information about the item.
GetInfoAboutLocation |
Retrieves a list of name/value- pairs holding relevant information about the location.
GetInfoAboutTransportUnit |
Retrieves a list of name/value- pairs with information about the transport unit.
GetItemDetails |
Retrieve the details of a particular item.
GetItemHistory |
Retrieves the history for the specified item.
GetItemsOfLocation |
Retrieves a list of the items currently registered at the location.
GetItemsOfTransportUnit |
Retrieves a list of the items currently registered in the transport unit. Items that are indirectly in the transport unit via a nested transport unit are not included in the result.
GetLocationDetails |
Retrieves details for a specific location.
GetLocationsWithoutRfid |
Retrieves a location hierarchy of all locations without a rfid tag for the specified branch.
GetMaterialGroupingItems |
Retrieves the items in the material grouping
GetMaterialGroupingSpecSums |
Computes hypothetical item counts and width sums for the specifications in a material grouping. The material grouping needs not be in an active branch configuration.
GetNewDestinationForItem |
Gets the destination for an item in terms of another branch and a destination type .
GetRequisitionDetails |
Retrieves details for the specified requisition.
GetRequisitionHistory |
Retrieves the history for the specified requisition.
GetTitles |
Gets a list of titles that begin with the specified title sting (case insensitive).
GetTransportUnitBranchHandling |
Retrieves handling instructions for items in the transport unit.
GetTransportUnitContentInfo |
Retrieves the name, status and location of the transport unit as well as the number of items in it and the number of transport units in it (counting ony the transport units directly in the transport unit). If there is a chute attached to the transport unit this will also be returned.
GetTransportUnitContents |
Retrieves the directly nested contents of a transport unit.
GetTransportUnitDetails |
Gets details for a specific transport unit.
GetTransportUnitsWithoutRfid |
Retrieves a list of transport units without a rfid tag for the specified branch.