IMS Web Service Reference

Methods: ReportService

Name  Description 
DeleteSavedReport  Delete a saved report.                 The required privilege depends on the particular report: "report" + "{report number}"
ExecuteSavedReportAsSubscription  Executes the subscription functionality on a saved report.
GetNewSavedReportKey  Get a new saved report key. This key is used to create new saved reports.
GetParameterSelectionOptions  Retrieves parameter selection options for the specified parameter and dependent value.
GetReportGroups  Retrieves the available report groups. The order should be maintained.
GetReportTemplateDetails  Retrieves meta data for report generator
GetReportTemplates  Retrieves a list of all report types. The order should be maintained.
GetSavedReports  Retrieves a list of the reports that have been saved by this operator.
SetSavedReport  Edit a saved report. Use GetNewSavedReportKey to obtain a new key.                 The required privilege depends on the particular report: "report" + "{report number}"