IMS Web Service Reference

Methods: OrdersService

Name  Description 
CreateManualDiscardOrder  Creates a manual discard order.
CreateManualMoveOrder  Creates a manual move order. The item may optionally be assigned to the specified branch.
CreateManualNamedListOrder  Creates a manual named list order.
DeleteNamedLists  Deletes the specified named lists.
DeleteOrderDefinition  Deletes an order definition.
FindOrderDefinitions  Retrieves orders definitions matching the specified criteria.
GetNamedListOrders  Retrieves a list of orders of a list of named lists. Only orders created before the given time are included. If the time parameter is omitted it defaults to the current time.
GetNamedLists  Returns a list of named lists containing orders of the specified types.
GetNamedListsWithOrderCount  Retrives a list of named lists along with a count of orders for each list. Only orders created before the given time are included in the counts. If the time parameter is omitted it defaults to now.
GetOrderDefinitionClasses  Retrieves all the order definition classes.
GetOrderDefinitionDetails  Retrieves details for a single order definition.
GetOrderDefinitionTypes  Retrieves all the order definition types.
GetOrderTypes  Retrieves a list of order types and the number og orders of that type that was created before the given time. If the time parameter is omitted it defaults to the now. All order types will be returned; if there are no orders for a given order type the count will simply be 0.
GetPickPlacementOrders  Retrieves a list of the orders belonging to a list of pick placements of a given order type. Only orders created before the given time are included. If the time parameter is omitted it defaults to the current time.
GetPickPlacementsWithOrderCount  Retrieves a placement tree hierarchy with a count of the number of orders at each node of the tree for a given list of order types. Only orders created before the given time are included. If the time parameter is omitted it defaults to the current time.