IMS Web Service Reference

Method: DoFineSortingOnItem


Performs fine sorting on an item. The item will be registered into one of the supplied transport units according to the fine sorting configuration of the branch.                 If there are nested transport units within the particular transport unit a NestedTransportUnitException will be thrown.                 If an item in the transport unit belongs to a fine sorting that was not in the input list a TransportUnitAttachmentIncompleteException will be thrown.                 If it is not allowed to perfom fine sorting on the transport unit a RecptionInvalidException will be thrown.                 Required privilege: "registration.send_registrations_from_mobile".



The input of this method is the document element tns:DoFineSortingOnItem having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
tns:Token  common:TokenType  1..1 
tns:BranchKey  common:BranchKeyType  1..1 
tns:ItemId  common:ItemIdType  1..1 
tns:FineSortingAndTransportUnits  common:FineSortingAndTransportUnitInfoType  1..* 

The output of this method is the document element tns:DoFineSortingOnItemResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
tns:FineSortingKey  common:FineSortingKeyType  1..1 
Name  Content  Description 
InternalError  common:InternalErrorExceptionInfo 
InvalidArgument  common:InvalidArgumentExceptionInfo 
InvalidTokenException  common:InvalidTokenExceptionInfo 
InsufficientPrivileges  common:InsufficientPrivilegesExceptionInfo 
ReceptionInvalid  common:ReceptionInvalidExceptionInfo 
UnknownRfid  common:UnknownRfidExceptionInfo 
TransportUnitAttachmentIncomplete  common:TransportUnitAttachmentIncompleteExceptionInfo