
A sorting point has one or more chutes where the sorted items are sent in the process of sorting.

A transport unit may be connected to a chute. A chute may only be connected to one transport unit at a time, and likewise, only one transport unit may be connected to a chute at any given time. There should always be a transport unit connected to a chute, but this cannot be ensured in the system. Connection of transport units to chutes is performed via the mobile client.

A linked transport unit will automatically be disconnected from the chute if the former is moved or connected to a different chute. Likewise, a transport unit will be disconnected from the chute if another transport unit is connected to the chute.

For each chute it is defined which status a linked transport unit will automatically be assigned, whenever it is connected or disconnected.

When the IMMS receives a message from the LMS that an item has been sorted to a chute, the sorted item will be placed in the transport unit that was connected to the chute at the time of sorting. If items are sorted into a chute while no transport unit has been connected, then the items are placed in the location listed by the chute.

A chute can be given a meaningful name, e.g., “Returning of children’s books” or “Sorted for the South branch”.

A chute may only belong to one sorting point. However, a chute may indicate that its items should be regarded as sorted into another chute - or another sorting point if applicable - within the same branch. In this way, it is possible in the system to mimic a situation in which multiple sorting points share one physical chute.

A chute can be associated with an identification through a label, which is required in order to be able to scan the chute with the mobile client.

Refer otherwise to the instructions on Configuration of sorting points and chutes.