
The physical places where things can be located are referred to as locations. All locations in IMMS are designed as a hierarchy within each specific branch - in other words, the top of the hierarchy covers the entire branch with respect to the Library Management System. In IMMS, a hierarchical breakdown into sub-locations, which in principle can be as detailed as needed in order to enable precise control of the items. Typically, the locations in the most detailed breakdown of the holds shelves will correspond to one shelf. However, it can also be a particular section of one shelf, whereas with normal lending, larger locations are normally utilized. If needed, refer to Iitem grouping size.

In general, IMMS does not impose specific demands on the design of a location’s structure. An IMMS installation corresponds to a Library Management System and overall, the locations can be seen at the municipal level - the first level that cannot be changed is thus the individual branch.

The following serves as an example of a relatively detailed, multi-level structure:

The aforementioned is just an example. The is no obligatory structure for locations in IMMS. Sub-locations can be designed for a branch in any manner desired.
The zones in the aforementioned example could, e.g., be the departments Children, Adult, and Music and can be used in picking since it would be possible, for example, to limit the picking to the children’s department - see more in Pick order sequence.

The hierarchical design of the locations has a practical function in several contexts. For example, you can refer to all the shelves within a particular subject by referring to the subject instead of naming all of the shelves individually; likewise, you can refer to all subjects in a zone by referring to the zone. In a media hotel where the placement of items does not follow any logical structure, a location hierarchy with a lot of layers is unlikely to be needed, but a highly systematic naming of the shelves is required - see more below.

A location can be associated with an identification through a label, which is required in order to be able to scan the location with the mobile client. The extent to which locations should be identified with labels in practice, primarily depends on the usage type.

Usage types

You must indicate what each location is used for. The following options are available:

<Not directly used> The location is not normally used directly for the placement of items, but locations with this usage type are used to create the structure of the location hierarchy and are therefore the only ones that can have sub-locations. This may, e.g., be the top level of the location hierarchy (the branch itself) or a department.
Locations with this usage type can be linked to an item grouping, which will then automatically include any locations below the selected one.
Finally, locations with this usage type are used for sorting points and their chutes.
A label can be added to this type of location, but this is normally not needed.
Item grouping The location contains items linked to a specific item grouping. The items are registered as Shelved at the location by the employees.
Locations with this usage type can be linked to an item grouping.
A label can be added to this type of location, but this is normally not needed.
Chaotic - Holds shelf The location contains items that have been reserved/ordered for patrons. The items are registered as moved to the location by the employees. The usage type means that the LMS receives a message from IMMS when an item is registered at the location.
A label must be added to this type of location.
Chaotic - Exhibition The location is used to display, e.g., new releases or seasonal items.
Such a display can be managed by IMMS exhibition functionality or by the employees' own initiative.
The items are registered as moved to the location by the employees.
A label must be added to this type of location.
Chaotic - Storage The location is used to store items which are typically not intended for direct lending at the branch – e.g. a media hotel.
The items are registered as moved to the location by the employees.
A label must be added to this type of location.
The usage type influences the availability being notified to the LMS.
The usage type also has a bearing on the items’ placement types, which are used to rank the individual placements within a branch when calculating pick orders.
In the web client, various icons are used to symbolize the different usage types, for example when editing locations.