Automatic error correction

Automatic error correction consists of several independent functions:

The parts are described in the following paragraphs.

Automatic creation of error correction orders for manual processing of misplaced items

Automatic debugging can ensure that error correction orders are created so that items that are misplaced can be sent to the correct location.

The function runs once a day - at night - and generates error correction orders for the mobile unit for picking items.

Error correction order creation is controlled by a set of parameters that can activate and deactivate a number of different rules that are checked for all items. Each parameter indicates whether the rule has been enabled and, in this event, how long the item has been stale before an error correction order is created.

The rules can look for the following error situations:

During each run, any non-processed error correction orders from the last run are first deleted before a new set of error correction orders are created.

After picking, the items are sent to the branch used for central sorting, where the intelligent distribution algorithm is applied to locate an appropriate branch for the item - or the LMS can process the item if it, e.g., fulfills a hold.

Configuration of the time limit

Each of the aforementioned system parameters control if and when automatic error correction is carried out for items covered by the specific rule.

If the parameter has not been set (i.e., is blank), then automatic error correction is not carried out for that specific rule. If, e.g., the parameter has been set to 3 days, then error correction orders will be created for items covered by that specific rule for at least the last 3 days as long as another registration is not made for the item within that time period.

Exceptions from automatic processing

The following circumstances exempt items from automatic error correction orders:

Automatic creation of registrations for items missing en route to central sorting

IMMS can be configured to run automatic error correction in connection with items registered as “sent to central sorting” by the mobile unit or web client.

When items are registered as “sent to central sorting”, this is typically done without each item being individually scanned. For example, an entire book cart delivery or an entire holds shelf can be registered as sent to central sorting. The expectation is thus that the specific items will later be registered as sorted in the sorting machine. If after a while the item has not been registered, an error must have occurred since the item was not among the items in the transport unit or at the location as was expected. There is therefore a basis for IMMS itself to register the item in order to correct the error.

The system is aware of the placement type of the item before it was registered as being sent to central sorting. The following types of placement are distinguished:

These three cases are therefore configured separately.

The error correction is configured with three sets of parameters, which determine the time limit for error correction and the error correction actions themselves for each of these three types of prior placements.

The system’s automatic error correction actions appear in the item’s histories as performed by the user “system”.

Configuration of the time limit

Three parameters control the length of time before automatic error correction is run:

If the parameter has not been set (is blank), no error correction is run.

If the parameter is, e.g., set to 3 days, then the automatic error correction action will be run 3 days after the item has been registered as “sent to central sorting” as long as no other entry has been made for the item in the meantime.

Configuration of the automatic error correction action

There are two options for the automatic error correction action:

Three parameters control which action should be carried out automatically:

If a discard code has been selected for the parameter, then the item will be discarded with the selected discard code.

If the value of the parameter is empty (a discard code has not been selected), then the item is registered as shelved at the branch where the item was registered as being “sent to central sorting” from.

Automatic shelving of items placed on a location with usage type "<Not directly used>"

IMMS can ce configured to perform automatic error correction of items placed on a location with usage type "<Not directly used>"

Items should never be placed on a location with the usage type "<Not directly used>.

The situation can occur if an item is sorted to a chute that does not have a transport unit attached. When this happens the item will be placed on the location of the chute.

The error is corrected by shelving the item on the branch.

Error correction will not be performed on items that are taken, nor on items that are placed inside a transport unit.

The system’s automatic error correction actions appear in the item’s histories as performed by the user “system”.

Configuration of the deadline

The parameter Deadline for error correction when an item is placed on a location with usage type "<Not directly used>" controls how long the system will wait before performing error correction on the relevant items.