This text describes a suggestion for the required steps, strictly from the standpoint of data and configuration, during implementation of IMMS. The contents have been produced in cooperation with libraries and municipalities running IMMS:
1 Initial data
The prerequisite for startup is the master data from the Library Management System. These data, referred to as the initial data, consists of the LMS master data in the IMMS web client (optional float codes, branches, departments, locations, sub-locations, item collections, item types, discard codes) and in addition to those master data all titles, items and holds are transferred.
2 Configuration of IMMS from the web client
This section provides a description of the suggested sequence for system configuration in the IMMS web client during implementation.
2.1 System level configuration to be entered centrally
- IMMS master data
- Create Admin Users. The system is installed with one user with full permissions, including the role of User administration. (See the pointers for creating users and permissions). It is recommended to create and use the required users for subsequent work with system configuration.
The steps below require the role
Master data administration. All master data from the LMS is created with the status of
- LMS master data
- Set department types for departments. (See the pointers for editing departments)
- Set department types for float codes. (See the pointers for editing float codes - depending on LMS)
- Set the statuses for reservable and lendable in item collections. (See the pointers for editing item collections - depending on LMS)
- Deactivate all irrelevant LMS master data (see for instance help on editing of branches). For branches that are excluded from IMMS, the branch parameter "Fixed item never on media hotel" must be set to "Yes", before the branch is excluded and deactivated.
After this task, the calculation and allocation of the titles’
initial strategies can be handled. This can be done based on the suggested
initial rules which is the recommended approach.
As an alternative it can be a
special one-time run by Lyngsoe Systems based on rules supplied by the customer. This will automatically create the necessary
strategies with their associated
strategy consequences.
The steps below require the roles of
Master data management and
User administration.
- IMMS master data
- Create other Users. Based on local requirements and preferences with respect to users and their permissions, the remaining users should be created. Users can be added and removed, if needed, throughout the lifetime of the system, and user permissions can be adjusted. (See the pointers for creating users).
- Set General System Parameters. The system is installed with default values for all system parameters. These must be reviewed and changed to local requirements and preferred configuration. (See the pointers on editing system parameters).
- Review Strategies. The system is installed with a set of basic distribution strategies which should be reviewed.
- Create Float Codes and Float Code Assignment Rules. Depending on the LMS needed float codes should be created and assigned to items.
- Set Average Item Widths. The system is installed without any definitions for calculating an item's width. Rules should be created and when these definitions match the items, they are used; otherwise, the values from system parameters are used - see the pointers for editing Average Item Widths).
The steps below require the role of
Branch administration <all>.
- Branches - a few fundamental branch parameters should be set early to allow for the basic testing of item distribution (See the pointers for editing branch parameters)
2.2 Branch level configuration entered centralized or decentralized
The steps below require the role of Branch administration <your branch>.
- Branch configuration
- Create locations. The system is installed without IMMS locations, so a location hierarchy corresponding to the physical layout of the branch must be created. If possible, the need for disparate picking areas should be taken into account - the location hierarchy can be adjusted later under any circumstances. (See the pointers for creating locations).
- Mount and link identification labels at locations that will be used for chaotic storage (holds shelves, exhibition shelves, storage shelves). Add a label or something else with the name of the location that users can read.
- If needed, adjustment of general branch parameters inherited from system level. (See the pointers for editing branch parameters).
- If needed, sorting points and chutes should be created. The system is installed without sorting points, but they are automatically created the first time they are used by the Library Management System or 3rd party equipment. If the codes are known, they may also be created in advance. Auto-creation of chutes may be less prone to errors than manual creation since data entry errors are always a risk when creating them manually. Auto-creation is performed by returning and sorting an item corresponding to each chute at each sorting point. Please note: During auto-creation, the location of the chute is also automatically set - this can be changed as needed.
Identification labels must be linked to chutes - either via data entry or using the mobile client to link a label to each chute. See the pointers for creating sorting points and the separate guide for configuring sorting points and chutes.
- If needed, adjust the priority of the placement types for use in the calculation of pick orders based on holds
- Administration of branch configuration
Please note: The activation of the configuration can put a high load on the system. It is therefore advisable that significant configuration changes affecting thousands of items are applied outside of peak hours. The system is capable of ensuring that, controlled by the parameter "
Use delayed activation of branch configurations".
2.3 Additional system configuration tasks
The step below require the role of Transport unit administration
- Transport Units
- Create transport units in the web client. (See the pointers on creating transport units). An identification label must be linked to each transport unit. Use an easy to read name for the end-users - this name should also be available on the physical unit.
The steps below require the role of
Master data administration
- IMMS master data
- Customize strategies. (See the pointers on customizing strategies) by adding new and adjusting the standard values.
- Customize IMMS statuses. (See the pointers on creating IMMS statuses) by adding new and adjusting the standard values.